Marchington River

Quilt Details

The Canadian lake where we have a cabin is part of a large river system - Marchington River. We often go upstream from our cabin following the river up to the rapids that block our path into the next upriver lake, but provides an excellent Walleye fishing spot. Along the river is this tree which we look for each time we go up and down the river - referring to it as "The Drum Major". It is so unique, I figured it deserved a portrait - so I made this quilt.

I originally completed this quilt with big rocks at the base of the tree. Feeling somewhat dissatisfied with this, I reworked the quilt by removing the rocks and putting in water instead. This updated version is what is depicted here, though in an uncompleted state (The completed quilt is up at our cabin and currently inaccessible due to Covid restrictions so I'm not able to grab a new photo).
24" tall x 17.25" wide

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